(USA)–Next, a cross-country bicycle marathon is being used as a tool to bring the Gospel to Greece. AMG International is on the final leg of a fundraising tour in the United States. A team of cyclists is raising money for the intended outreach in Greece for the 2004 Olympic Games. AMG’s Paul Jenks says they are building an athletic facility with a spiritual goal. “Greece is a country that is very secular, and many people, although they call themselves Christians, don’t really know Jesus Christ personally; we’re anticipating great opportunities to share at the time of the Olympic Games, using sports as that which will capture their attention.” Jenks says they’re counting on the friendships built on this tour, but they need more support. “Pray for the safety of the bicyclers as they go on very hilly terrain; then also, that the partnerships with the churches will bear fruit and that volunteers will step forward to be a part of the outreach in Athens.”