Story number 4 for 13 Feb 2002

By February 13, 2002

(Germany)–Next, a missionary couple in Germany is using music to reach the lost. Don Newby is a missionary with Greater Europe Mission. Newby says their mission strategy is a little different than the jungle, so they’re adapting their gifts and abilities to reach what he calls a ‘sophisticated society’. “We travel full-time. We do Country/Rock Music and concerts in Christian environments, totally Christian music. And, then alongside them, I do workshops. And, I teach acoustic guitar, and vocal training, and youth choir and that kind of thing, alongside of our concerts on the weekend.” Newby, who’s staying at D & D Missionary Homes in Florida while on furlough, says many Germans claim Christianity, but few have a true relationship with Christ. He hopes that changes. “Our ministry has kind of evolved around developing a strategy in using the medium of music to reach past all of that grid and that filter and try to get right to people’s hearts.”

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