(Central African Republic)–Next, calm has returned to the city of Bangui (BAHN-gee), in the Central African Republic following the flight of a rebel general. Government officials found out he was planning a coup, and launched a counter move. As a result, the city was buried under five days of fighting. Evangelical Free Church Mission’s Tom Cairns says some of their workers were caught in the crossfire. “A large number of our wives were all there for a missionary wives’ retreat, when all this happened. They needed to get home, many of them going up country by road and, as they were leaving, a good deal of the fighting took place, literally, over their heads. But, eventually, they were all able to get out.” Cairns says there is much to pray for in the days ahead. “We really have need of prayer for stability, that’s our one big concern; and, that we will indeed see fruit among the Fulani people. There’s some great things happening there, where peoples are moved by God, to become more accessible.”