Story number 4 for 15 Jan 2002

By January 15, 2002

(Thailand)–Meanwhile, Christians in Thailand now have a new translation of Scripture that will help in evangelism. World Bible Translation Center’s Richard Loh says they just released the Thai Easy-to Read New Testament. Loh says there’s at least one group of people who will benefit. “People who are trying to reach out to the younger generation, they will find this a very helpful translation because it will essentially get the younger folks who are reading the Bible to really understand what they are reading.” Loh says they currently have about 30 Easy-to-Read translations available, but more are needed. “It can cost any where from $200,000 to $500,000. Translation is always a very expensive thing to do, but we certainly look forward to people who are able to help us, not only just in terms financial help, but also through prayers as well.”

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