Story number 4 for 17 Jan 2003

By January 17, 2003

(USA)–And, Here’s Life Inner City is readying almost 7,000 homeless care kits, which help express God’s love to those in need. 18 Here’s Life cities are participating in the project with more than 300 inner city churches actively involved this winter. Here’s Life’s Ted Gandy. “When some Christians caregivers get out there in the areas where the homeless congregate, there are just some incredibly tender moments of someone going up to that person and demonstrating Matthew 25; ‘I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes, and you clothed me.'” Gandy says workers often share their faith. “The fact that they’re giving them hats, gloves, scarves socks, a blanket, toiletries-all these things, immediately, up front, say, ‘ we really care for you; we love you’, and then they can launch into explaining why they’re motivated and how God loves that individual.”

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