Story number 4 for 18 May 2000

By May 18, 2000

Next, Words of Hope continues to report good news from their radio broadcasts into Tibet. Because there is no organized church, Lee DeYoung says they’re trying be relevant while encouraging the faith of the believers that do exist. “In the Tibetan broadcasts, there is a 30-minute broadcast each day, seven days a week, approximately half of it is specifically Biblical content, and the other half is material of general interest to Tibetan people.” DeYoung says because the region is heavily Buddhist, much of their work is enhanced by partnerships. He adds there is much to pray for. “I think in any sensitive area where there is opposition, one prays for wisdom and discernment on the part of those who are laboring there-wisdom to know when to take a stand and when to do something bold…for people when they are persecuted, when they are greeted with opposition, to respond in a Christ-like way.”

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