(Kenya)–We turn our attention next to Kenya, where the message of behavioral change to stop the AIDS rampage is yet to sink in. There are reports that the people believe HIV/AIDS does not exist and that a curse is responsible for the deaths. It is that mindset that Medical Ambassadors International is determined to change. MAI’s Darla Calhoun runs a program for the street children, often the youngest victims of the crisis. “The changes are coming from the inside out, and they do have hope for their future-and they’re seeing that they are worthy of receiving love. We’re just hoping that maybe, as these boys grow up, they’ll help change the course of things by being leaders, both spiritually and maybe even professionally.” Calhoun adds that there are many other needs. “I just recently learned that Kenya has the highest number of AIDS orphans in any country in the entire world right now. So, we need, as Christians, to pray for these children and to pray that more workers will come and recognize this as one of the number one compassionate needs in ministry today.”