Story number 4 for 29 Jan 2001

By January 29, 2001

(USA)–Meanwhile, Evangelism Explosion is giving pastors in the U-S a renewed desire to reach the lost for Christ. Evangelism Explosion’s Ray Castro says many churches in the U-S have lost the vision for the lost. Castro says pastors need to train church members in evangelism outside the church. “I come from a pastoral background. One of the things I realized that I could mentor in most areas of the Christian life within the four walls of the church, but I could not mentor in the area of evangelism inside the four walls of the church. Mentoring will happen when I take someone and I go outside.” Castro says that’s the goal of E-E training. “E-E really is a ministry that will help an individual to learn how to build a bridge of friendship. To experience it and then know that they can use those avenues and those relationships to be able to share the Gospel.”

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