Story number 4 for 29 May 2003

By May 29, 2003

(Angola)–Elsewhere, for the past forty years, the people of Angola have suffered through devastating civil war which, in turn, led to many other problems. A recent peace agreement saw positive change, but SIM missionary Sheila Fosterfaianno says many of the Christians have been skeptical. “They couldn’t understand why God had answered prayer in giving peace and then let it all fall apart. So it’s taken the last ten years to really find hope again and really trust that God could do something.” Fosterfaianno says for the first time in years, the people are beginning to feel safe again and are excited about new opportunities. “We’re privileged to work with the Union of Evangelical Churches of Angola, that’s the name of the denomination. We have wonderful leadership whom we partner. Just great people and have lots of vision and are really seeking to reach the lost in their own country.” Angola is the largest Portuguese-speaking state in Africa and Fosterfaianno has served there for 23 years.

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