Story number 4 for 30 Aug 2002

By August 30, 2002

(USA)–Meanwhile, high technology is making mission organizations more effective, however the need for people with high-tech skills is great. JAARS, which speeds Bible translation by providing quality services for Wycliffe Bible translators and others, wants to link their translation teams with this technology. JAARS Dennis Stemwyk explains why. “As someone in Africa is working on a problem and someone in Asia is working on the same problem that we can provide a forum where they can have dialogue and discussion to help each other without having to solve the problem independently.” But, getting the qualified people to help is the only thing holding them back. “If there are computer people out there, technical people, programmers, analysts that have skills and has the desire to reach the lost, I think this is a wonderful opportunity for them to be able to use their giftedness that God’s given them in Bible translation.”

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