(Taiwan)–We turn next to Taiwan where hundreds of American pen pals are needed to help in a friendship evangelism project. Assist Ministries Dan Wooding says Taiwanese students need pen pals to help them learn conversational English. Assist’s Bridge of Friendship program is luring non-Christians. “99-percent of those that are linking up with us are actually non-believers, so it’s an opportunity for people who would like to be involved in missions to actually, by email or snail mail, write to someone in another country who is a non-believer and share your faith with them.” Wooding says the need for pen pals is great. “We need about 400 for Taiwan at the moment, these people really do want friendship with Americans. So, we see this as a way to reach across to a country that is under great threat at the moment and say to the people we care about you and we also care about your spiritual condition.” Call our resource line to find out more.