Story number 4 for 6 Dec 2000

By December 6, 2000

Next, Christian radio is having an impact on church planting Benin, West Africa. Words of Hope’s Lee DeYoung just returned from that country, where they’re broadcasting in partnership with SIM. DeYoung says they’re broadcasting in the Bariba language. “I was encouraged to hear about the effectiveness evangelistically speaking of the Bariba broadcast. Information they have indicates that over the past several years the number of congregations in Benin of Bariba speaking people has doubled every two years and they attribute that to the broadcast.” Missionaries are telling DeYoung that tribal groups already have an awareness of Christian principals. “That has come in large measure from people who understand some Bariba, who’ve been listening to the Bariba broadcasts in these neighboring tribes, finding some understanding of the Christian Gospel there a foundation upon which evangelists can build.”

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