(Kenya)–Next, a semi-desert region and isolation mark the territory of SIM’s Mike Batterman and his wife. The couple is reaching out to the Daasanach (DAH-sen-AHSH) people near the Ethiopian border in Kenya. In an agricultural community such as this, ministry is a challenge, and yet, there have been successes like these. “We trained 22 people to use hand-wound cassette recorders and trained them in the “Firm Foundations” and then they went out to the villages and family groups and taught them.” Batterman shares his perspective of the importance of prayer in their ministry. “We have seen that prayer has made a great impact; and, without prayer, I don’t think a lot of these things would be happening. We want to encouraged those people who have taken the time to pray, or maybe, are frustrated to really pray, because it does make a difference. If there is anything we could ask for, it would be that.” SIM teams work to evangelize the unreached, minister to human need, disciple believers into churches, and equip churches to fulfill Christ’s Commission.