(USA)–And finally, Life Action Revival Ministries is expanding its renewal ministry to reach out to pastors in the United States. Life Action’s Byron Paulus says something the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, Bill Bright, said recently has encouraged this outreach. “He said the greatest crisis in America today is its pastors. And, he went on to say that half of the pastors in America today will end up in a divorce or a broken marriage. And, he said half the pastors today are addicted to pornography. We’re seeing in our ministry in the surveys that we’re taking up to half the pastors are ready to leave the ministry.” Paulus says in response, Life Action, based in southwest Michigan, will be hosting several pastors’ retreats beginning May 12th. “My greatest need is not to learn more truth, but it’s to obey the truth I already have and to wait upon the Lord and to meet with Him and let Him meet with me. So, we have a four-day and a 10-day gathering that we have on the calendar in the years to come.”