(USA) — And finally, A HREF=”/media/group.php?agencyAb=E3P”>E3 Partners is helping Christians in the United States share their faith more effectively. EvangeCube uses a folding cube with pictures to help share the Gospel message. EvangeCube’s Nathan Sheets says their goal is to encourage laypeople to do evangelistic work at home. Sheets says they do that through training seminars. “We focus on what is the Gospel? What is evangelism? What is prayer and evangelism? And then, going through the logistics of how to work through the EvangeCube. And, then the most important part about training seminar is actually the third hour which is taking Christians out and doing evangelism.” Sheets believes these seminars will have international implications. “Over the next ten years we pray that God uses us to go into 100 countries and each country go into 1,000 churches, and in each church, train 100 Christians which results in personal one-on-one evangelism.”