Story number 5 for 4 Dec 2002

By December 4, 2002

(International)–And, The JESUS Film Project has adapted for ministry to children. Within that context, the possibilities for worldwide outreach are endless. So says The JESUS Film’s Flip Amon (AY-mon). “A lot of the audiences internationally at the showing of The JESUS Film were, in fact, children. Sometimes a two-hour version was a bit much for them to sit through and other were looking for something with maybe a little bit more explanation. Since the original film is the Gospel of Luke on film, there’s no explanation included.” Amon says this presented a new need. “We have just started with the children’s version. It is in 29 languages at the present time with over 100 in process. But, we do covet prayers for just the translation process; getting it translated, getting it recorded to make the film available in the language of the children of the various countries of the world.” For more information: go to

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