(USA)–And, a unique sailing ministry is making a difference with inner-city teens. The program is called “Ready About” which is a sailing term meaning “prepare to change course”. Spokesman Jim Pollard, says the program is directed at kids involved with gangs and crime. “The idea is a program to teach them discipline, to turn them around, get them headed into another direction. We can accomplish that on a boat, in a sailing vessel, in a way that you couldn’t do it ashore, you have their total attention.” Pollard says they will take new Christians and put them through an intense six-month training program. They will not only learn to sail but will take their Bible study training and do evangelism in port cities. “I believe the answer to the inner city lives in the inner city–the very young people who live there. All we have to do is reach them for Christ, turn them around by the power of God and equip them to go back.” The group is currently working to get the 49-foot boat ready for ministry.