(Kenya)–And, in the effort to provide Scripture to a culture trying to save its heritage, The Seed Company’s Parke Brown tells us how a Kenyan project has taken on a life of its own. “The partnering church who got connected through The Seed Company, took it on themselves to partner with Suba people in very holistic ways. So they’re now actually a partner in a school that primarily helps children who have been orphaned by AIDS to go ahead and get a good education and break from the cycle of some of these sicknesses and poverty.” Brown adds that the thrust of their work in Southwest Kenya is fixed to the foundation of Bible translation. He says their teams are making good progress. “They really hope that they can complete the New Testament in 2006, which is not too far off in Bible translation terms, and then dedicate it that following summer.” As more Suba people become Christians, they hold of the task of pastoring and teaching in their own language. Pray for the work of the churches.