Supply Train satisfies kids’ needs

By August 30, 2007

— The 12th-annual School Supply Train made sure roughly three thousand kids
were ready for the new school year in Longview,
Texas. Being able to enter school with proper
supplies can boost self-esteem and confidence.

School supplies and backpacks were given to low-income
children, along with haircuts, eye examinations and immunizations. Eligibility to
receive these services was verified by Buckner employees through proof of
income. Other local organizations set up booths and passed out information
about their programs.

Buckner Children and Family Services co-sponsored the event
with First Baptist Church of Longview, the Junior League of Longview, and the Longview Wellness

According to Tim Watson, pastor of First Baptist
Church, the effort
in the Supply Train is similar to the mission of Buckner: preach and share the Gospel as well as meet
people's needs emotionally and physically.

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