Uganda (MNN) — Young missionaries are helping Ugandans become missionaries themselves. After training is completed in Florida, a team from Teen Missions International embarks upon their annual trip to Uganda. They'll be in the country from July 10 until August 10.
Teen Missions began their work in Uganda in 1991.
On this ministry trip, the group will be doing sports evangelism–an effective approach in the area since a secondary school is nearby. They will constantly be surrounded by teenagers and are bringing Frisbees to help "break the ice." The Teen Missions team will also be "playing
volleyball and basketball with the kids, mostly as a way of making friends so that we can get to know the kids. The team members then can share Jesus Christ with the young people they are meeting at the schools," said Camille Hadlock with Teen Missions International.
Because the teens from the U.S. share the same language with Ugandans, it is easier to communicate the Gospel. "That is a great asset to going to Uganda because English is the national language," said Hadlock. Children learn English from nursery school
through secondary school.
The Ugandans students who accept Christ have other opportunities to learn more throughout the year. Teen Missions holds boot camps and mini-mission trips for them so they can learn more about Christianity and about missions.
Finally, there is a Bible college that they can attend. Students spend two years in academics and training, a third year in local missions, and a fourth year in a ministry
internship. "Many of our graduates are working with the Ugandans
themselves. It's very common for Ugandans to be trained and begin working with their own people," said Hadlock.
The American team will be there for a month. Pray that cultural differences would not be a barrier to leading people to Christ.