Ukraine (MNN/ASM) — On the shores of the Sea of Azov in the
Ukraine, digital players with God's Word in Russian are helping to deepen
spiritual relationships in a group of blind and visually impaired people.
A team from the Revival Slavic Baptist Church in Washington
State contacted Audio Scripture
Ministries. Interest grew when they
discovered that God's Word was available in audio for their friends and family
in the Ukraine.
ASM has received at least 2 more orders of Russian New
Testament digital Scripture players. At a camp conducted by the team this
past June, leaders report that 8 people made profession of faith in Jesus
A recent note from the church tells of growing interest in
getting the players for others still waiting in the Ukraine. This small
project made a huge life impact. Now, many more doors are open for God's
people to place God's Word in audio where others do not or cannot read.
Pray that God's Word touches hearts and that many will come
to Christ.