Siberia (MNN) — A Global Aid Network mission team in Siberia has been staying busy while sharing God's love.
They have been working with the local JESUS Film Coordinator, Vladimir Tsapkov, to open doors in orphanages, hospitals, and other places where they want to show the JESUS film.
Tsapkov was overjoyed at the response of the children in Novokuznetsk after the GAiN winter mission. "Three JESUS Film teams in Novokuznetsk showed the film in sites GAiN worked in. We saw many children pray after the movie," said Tsapkov. The same teams from Novokuznetsk also met a man who wanted to commit suicide, but that was before he heard the Gospel. "The Gospel message works," said Tsapkov.
During a recent stay at a hospital for pneumonia, Tsapkov was able to hand out more than 70 Christian music CDs. Along with a now-healthy Tsapkov, the GAiN team also traveled to this hospital to pray with patients and give them New Testaments and CarePacks.
A separate, two-hour trip brought them to two orphanages and a Civic Center. On their way home, Tsapkov shared the gratitude which the directors of the three places expressed to him during their visit. "Each director thanked me for all you do for their children. I know you are tired, but may God bless you for all you do," Tsapkov said.
"Other groups have come and just presented programs," one director said. "We did not expect such great gifts! Thank you for your help."
They visited another orphanage in the town of Salomotova which had just 35 children. "When we first found the orphanage there, we thought they had been forgotten by the world. They were in the middle of nowhere, and they were so poor!" reported their blog. The team prayed for and visited them and provided shoes, clothing, CarePacks, and other things.
A woman from a local church in Siberia who had ministered at this orphanage for five years said, "Thank you for your heart of love for these children. You came so far to see them. Thank you!"