Pakistan (MNN) — Pakistan is the fifth-most dangerous place in the world to follow Christ, according to Open Doors. Although believers face opposition in nearly every realm of society, they can see tiny glimmers of hope, too.
For example, Pakistan will not allow religious programming on its mainstream cable TV network. However, as described here, there are at least 10 Christian options available on private TV channels. Over two million people “tune in” to watch sermons and worship services; most viewers live in the eastern Punjab province.
One group wants its programming to reach a wider audience. PAK-7 hopes to foster awareness and positive change on a national level. “We’re trying to create opportunities for people to encounter Christians and to encounter God through our programs,” CEO Andrew Hart says.
“Television has a great role to play in supporting the Christians of Pakistan, but also in helping the wider society to learn about Christians and what [they] believe.”
By making high-quality programs for national TV, PAK-7 ministers to viewers across the religious spectrum. “People are often looking for help in their situations,” Hart continues.
“We hope that through our programs and our work on social media, we’re able to help people see the difference that knowing Jesus can make. We allow them to explore that further through online conversation with our teams.”
Learn more about PAK-7 and its programs here.
“It would be great if you would pray for this nation. Pakistan is a huge place. It’s the fifth-largest nation in the world, and it’s got about 220 million inhabitants,” Hart says.
“On our website, you can download a free 30-day PDF file that gives you things to pray for, and you’ll learn a bit about this beautiful country.”
Header image courtesy of PAK-7.