Syria (MNN) — Syria’s never-ending humanitarian crisis, already more than a decade in the making, reached a historic low this week.
Drought-like conditions have led to the lowest wheat harvest since 2011. The severe water shortage is making Syria’s cholera outbreak even worse. Furthermore, the U.N. reports that the number of people needing help to survive winter is up by 30 percent since last year.
“There are more urgent priorities regarding the global scope of need, particularly with Ukraine, forcing people’s attention away from Syria. But the reality is they’re in a dire crisis,” Samuel* of Redemptive Stories says.
Like neighboring Lebanon, a series of crises in Syria make survival increasingly difficult. “The only way most families are subsisting right now is because they have relatives, particularly their sons, who have fled to other countries and are now sending money back,” Samuel says.
“We see young men fleeing the country at alarming rates, particularly Christian men, so that they can provide for their families.”
The Body of Christ in Syria is addressing community needs. “Lots of different churches, denominations, and backgrounds are doing amazing work amid this chaos – education programs, children’s activities, micro-enterprises that are helping create income for these families – all of these amazing things,” Samuel says.
“All the time [believers are] working hard to share Jesus’s love and Word.”
Partner with local missionaries in Syria through Christian Aid Mission or support persecuted believers through Voice of the Martyrs USA.
“Find an organization doing work in the region, and give to help your brothers and sisters choosing to stay and to be a light in the midst of this,” Samuel suggests.
Most importantly, pray. Ask the Lord to have mercy on Syria. Pray for pastors and church staff who are exhausted by war and unrest.
“Pray that God would reveal himself to the people, and they would see and experience hope again through Jesus Christ,” Samuel says.
Header image courtesy of Khaled Akacha/Pexels.