USA (MNN) — It’s been in the works for over a year and now students from around the United States are gearing up from what’s being called Collegiate Quest. It’s a missions effort by Global Missions Fellowship.
Collegiate Quest’s Frank Banfill says, “Collegiate Quest is an opportunity for students, from across the United States, to come together for a couple of days of training and worship. And, then, they’re going to have the opportunity to go on a missions trip to Latin America where they’ll be engaged in evangelism, discipleship and actually participate in the planting of new churches.”
17 colleges and universities are represented for the first-ever Collegiate Quest. Banfill says they’ll be heading to Panama, Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Banfill says this is a unique type of program. “There are a lot of conferences around that young people go to and they get excited about missions. They get excited about ministry, but then they go home and they don’t do anything. With this, we want to bring them together, get them excited, challenge them, but then give them an opportunity to actually go and do something.”
60 students will be going into areas where there are no churches to see churches established. “They will systematically share the Gospel. They’ll share their testimony. They’ll use the EvangeCube and bilingual tracts and other materials that we have to present Christ to people and then as they respond they begin gathering them into evening cell group or small group meetings,” which will eventually become the new church.
Pray for these young people as they begin meeting today.