Ukraine refugees receiving hope

By May 28, 2014
(Photo by SGA)

(Photo by SGA)

Ukraine (MNN) — The nation of Ukraine is in crisis.

Yet even in the midst of bloodshed and being caught in the middle of superpower conflict, faithful Ukrainian churches are reaching out to refugees from the violence and other victims in the love of Christ.

The Slavic Gospel Association has created a Crisis Evangelism Fund to help them seize this opportunity to reach their hurting people with the Gospel!

Since the crisis in Ukraine erupted, evangelical church leaders have been quickly developing plans to meet the needs of refugees and needy families fleeing from violent, high-conflict regions. They have asked for assistance, and SGA needs your help to make it happen.

The crisis response teams being organized will help local pastors who have few resources, and will enable their churches to distribute food aid, Bibles, Christian literature, and other essentials as needed and available.

(Photo by SGA)

(Photo by SGA)

Most of all, distressed families and individuals will hear the life-changing Gospel and experience the love of Christ: the only true hope for ultimate peace and reconciliation. The Crisis Evangelism Fund will help Ukrainian Christians make an eternal difference in the lives of men, women, and children whose hearts have been broken by what has happened to their lives and to their country.

SGA ask for regular prayer for those developing Gospel opportunities to reach the lost. SGA founder Peter Deyneka’s motto was: “Much Prayer, Much Power.”

If you feel led, your gifts to the fund can help accomplish many things. As examples, $15 can help provide a food pack which can contain items such as flour, cooking oil, pasta, and other staples. Larger gifts can help in other ways, such as reaching out to refugees with physical assistance and the Gospel, helping crisis response teams from Ukrainian churches to travel and reach out as needs arise in specific locations. Gifts to the fund can also provide Bibles and Christian literature, and support the ministries of missionary pastors whose churches are in the conflict zones.

If you would like to help, click here:

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