Ukraine (MNN) — Thousands continue to protest in the streets of Kiev, Ukraine. The opposition doesn’t appear to be losing its resolve to see President Viktor Yanukovych resign and to hold new elections. Over the weekend, government workers were ordered to hold counter protests just a quarter mile away from Independence Square. Those demonstrators are now gone, but the anti-government protestors remain.
As the political resolve remains, a spiritual wind is blowing throughout Independence Square, says Michael Cherenkov with Russian Ministries. He’s been in the middle of the demonstrations manning a prayer tent. Cherenkov says protestors are visiting the tent to pray. “They call on Jesus. They call on God’s help for the people, for God’s mercy. This is spiritual renewal in our society.”
Cherenkov, in his heart, believes this. “We need spiritual reformation, not political revolution. We need to start with spiritual reforms.”
Thousands of protestors are making a special request. “They ask us, ‘Please give us Ukrainian language New Testament. We need our native language New Testament.’ This is surprising to us.”
Cherenkov adds, “Our people need the Gospel, need Jesus, and need spiritual revival.”
While not all evangelicals are protesting in Kiev, Cherenkov says this is a time for many Next Generation church leaders to make a difference. “We have to be salt and light for our society. This is a crucial moment for our church, for reformation of our post-Soviet evangelical church.”
Cherenkov says there is a unity unlike anything he’s seen before in the active evangelical body of Christ. However, it has divided what he calls the inactive church and the active church.
What’s holding back revival? Cherenkov believes the lack of New Testaments may be contributing to that. This is an emergency request. $100 will provide 200 New Testaments, which could help revival in Ukraine. Click here to contribute to this need. Select “Scriptures for Ukraine” in the drop-down designation box.
Coupled with that, Cherenkov is asking you to pray for them. “Pray for spiritual renewal in our society. Pray for our families, for our activities at the prayer tent and at our missionary field.”
World Press might be printing bibles in their language. We just got boxes for the Honduran people which we will deliver in a week. My heart goes out to these people in the Ukraine having such hunger for To know God. Please keep us updated. God bless you with His ministry. We want to GO!!!
Cathy n Brian Gray