US envoys urge greater access in Tigray region

By August 5, 2022

Ethiopia (MNN) — U.S. and E.U. envoys have urged Ethiopia’s government to resume electricity and banking services in the Tigray region. Civil war has raged for months, displacing over 2 million people. Tigrayans have dealt with basic food shortages since June 2021.

The actual fighting has died down since a humanitarian ceasefire in March. However, Eric Foley with The Voice of the Martyrs Korea says it’s an uneasy peace. “A comparison between North and South Korea is, I think, a good one. In North and South Korea, the war never ended. There is simply an armistice in place. But the two nations are technically at war.”

Tigrayan Christians

Foley keeps in contact with Tigrayan Christians. He tells the stories of two different men, both refugees from the Tigray region. “I was talking with Pastor T., And he was talking about a father who committed suicide this past week because he couldn’t feed his kids. The situation in Tigray is so difficult in terms of the availability of food.”

“Even though now the World Food Program and some other groups are working there, it’s still very difficult.”

The second man belongs to one of Pastor T’s congregations. Several months ago, he was removed from a bus without warning and sent to prison. Foley says, “But two months ago, he called Pastor T and said, ‘Look, 52 youngsters have given their life to Jesus.’ Because he had met those 52 youngsters during his time in prison.”

He has now planted a church in the prison., despite the extreme heat and harsh conditions.

Foley says Tigrayan Christians don’t expect politicians to fix their situation. But they do expect God to work through the suffering. He asks readers to pray the Lord’s prayer for the Tigrayan Christians. “’Give us this day, our daily bread.’ I mean, they’re not saying it metaphorically. That’s quite a literal prayer for them.”



The header photo shows the aftermath of an airstrike during the war. (Photo courtesy of VOA, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons) 

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