Iran (MNN) — On Monday, August 6, the US reimposed the second of three waves of sanctions on Iran.
On a national scale, this means limits on things like gold, currency, steel, and the automotive industry. But what does it mean on an individual level? To find out, we asked David of Heart4Iran.
“Systematically [the sanctions] are being ratcheted up, and… with the initial announcement that happened 90 days ago, this announcement, and the one that’s coming, we see the economy really being shaken,” he says.
“The currency in Iran is losing value, so it’s harder for trade to occur. We see that the economic sanctions and banking sanctions and things like that also make it harder for trade to occur.”
According to David, these sanctions impact the entire nation and the individuals who make it up. They can’t travel, buy basic items, or access food and goods they need. Currency is losing its value, and the more intense the sanctions get, the more people on the ground are suffering.
Iranians regularly call into Heart4Iran’s call center to talk about how difficult everyday life has become.
“There are a lot of protests that are happening on a regular basis right now, and we’re seeing that markets are closing and things like that. People are just not able to access the goods they need.”
According to David, “The Irani regime is ultimately to blame for what’s happening in the country, and the people of Iran can see that, and they’re the ones that ultimately suffer because of it.”
People are calling for a change, and David thinks this might lead to just that. It’s just proving to be a difficult journey.
“All the indicators are pointing to the US government trying to force a regime change in that country, and when that happens, there’s a lot of upheaval. People get caught up in that, and they suffer for it.”
Pray for a speedy solution that gives people open and legal access to Christ and satisfies all parties.
“We want to see a peaceful resolution to this, we want to see a long-term solution come where people have freedom in the country and people are able to worship Christ, because right now they don’t have that freedom.”

Photo courtesy of Heart4Iran
But what can Christians do to help the people of Iran from afar? Heart4Iran’s Mohabat TV has some suggestions.
“Even though the average American doesn’t have contact with a person inside of Iran, our ministry does. We’re continuing to do ministry through satellite TV, and we’re continuing to receive phone calls.”
Through social media communication, digital interaction, television programming, chat setups, and phone conversations, they’re engaging with people on the ground on a daily basis. If you want to help, consider starting by supporting Mohabat TV.
“Supporting the ministry of Heart4Iran and supporting other satellite and broadcast ministries that are having an impact in Iran is a critical thing at this time letting people know that there’s hope out there and there’s a solution, that Jesus is the answer to the pain that they’re feeling.”
Christ can be a source of hope and peace for the people of Iran, and people are discovering that on a scale that David says Iran has never seen before.
“People are seeing satellite TV, people are hearing the Gospel for the first time, people are gaining access to Bibles, and through that ministry effort, people are coming to Christ.
“Things might be going wrong or we see this as a negative situation, but on the underside, God is working and people are coming to Christ, so be encouraged that He is there and He is present in the midst of all of this.”
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