India (MNN) — India has more kids than any other nation in the world: 358 million.
With a national Christian makeup of only 2% in India, most of those millions have never heard the Gospel. But those who have heard have grabbed on with two hands and run home with the excitement of the Good News.
In fact, kids all over the world are easily excited by good news, says Dave Stravers with Grand Rapids, Michigan-based Mission India. And Mission India wants to get Christian kids all over the globe excited for what God's doing in India.
But how to get kids engaged with something happening so far away? Children can have a hard time understanding the reality of something far away if they have never seen it. So Mission India found a solution to that when they created a captivating, interactive video series to take kids into the heart of India.
"We call it My Passport to India, and we take children and their families to India on a virtual tour of the country and the culture," Stravers explains. "It's like a video adventure. They get to see India up close, in the slums, in the houses of people, on the trains. It's really a great experience."
It gives kids a firsthand look at how kids just like them live in another part of the world. More than that, it allows them to be a part of Kingdom building.
"My Passport to India" is free, and each participating child gets mailed a packet full of instructions and goodies.
"We provide anyone who signs up with a small little suitcase and virtual passports," says Stravers.
There's a slot in the small suitcase for kids to deposit loose change, which will add up fast to make waves of eternal change.
"Children can make a huge impact in India. For only a dollar, they can send a kid to a children's Bible club. That child will bring the Gospel home to his parents, and in many cases, the whole family will become Christians," Stravers explains.
The simple program could be life changing for kids in India, as well as for your own children. To explore or get signed up, click here or on the banner on our homepage. Learn more about what God is already doing in India through Children's Bible Clubs here.
Look for more Mission India stories this week. Today's was just one story of many to come over the next few days.