Do you know what orality is?
Orality is the fastest growing movement in evangelism today and it’s changing the face of missions around the world. It is rapidly reproducing disciple-making and church planting movements are among oral cultures in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
Oral learners are people who can’t, don’t or won’t read, or prefer to learn and communicate by other ways than print-based media or written instruction. So they communicate through methods such as storytelling, drama, songs, poetry, parables, proverbs and other oral arts.
Now you might wonder, what makes orality the fastest growing movement? According to the International Orality Network, more that seventy-percent of the world’s population are oral learners. In order to reach and disciple to oral learners, using traditional teaching methods won’t make the initial impact.
That’s where Orality Training Workshops come in.
To insure the message and methods are biblical, understandable and reproducible, the Orality Training Workshops aren’t just about statistics or theories about oral cultures. It’s a time to learn and interact with stories of the Bible as an oral learner. In more than twenty countries since 2009, more than 24-thousand people have gone through Orality Training Workshops.
As Living Water International partners with Orality Training Workshops, their mission is more than just water. When they provide Water for Life in Jesus’ name, their hope is those who receive it would come to know the grace and power of the true Living Water that satisfies the deepest thirst.
That is why the Oral methods and Contextual Bible Storying are so important. Living Water International has close to 13,000 water projects in 23 different countries, and most of these nations have high populations of oral learners.
Living Water International conducts these workshops so they can make the biggest impact as possible. Where they go, they want to give clean water and make disciples.
As Jesus told us to go out in all the world to make disciples, as believers it is our obligation to know how to connect to all peoples.
Pray that the continuation of these workshops will keep on impacting people to go out and make disciples.
If you are interested on getting connected to learn how to be an oral learning, the next Orality Training Workshop is this Saturday, October 26, 2013 in Nashville, Tennessee. The next workshop after that is being held on November 16 in Houston, Texas. For more information on time and place for these workshops, visit here. Also check out the Orality video here.