USA (MNN) — Do you find yourself in a season that’s not going as planned? Denise Godwin with International Media Ministries says it can be tempting to feel like a failure when plans fall through and schedules have to be reworked. But whether human ideas prevail or crumble:
“It’s so important to know that God is in the midst of whatever it is that’s going on for us,” Godwin says.
In media ministry, logistical challenges can be the norm.
“We’re working deep on these large projects, and periodically something goes sideways and I feel like I failed. And I struggle to trust God’s hand in that,” Godwin says.
International Media Ministries is currently filming the Esther story from the backdrop of modern-day Persia (i.e. Iran). Various hurdles have stalled or redirected the film’s progress, but Godwin says she has recently seen God open doors.
“If I had rushed ahead, we wouldn’t have had the ability to do the things we’re going to be able to do this spring,” she says.
Godwin recalls another project, one started in 2018, that ran into some hiccups. That film included the story of Cyprian, an early North African church leader. When the filming schedule became unrealistic, it seemed the Cyprian account would need to be cut from the final production. But after consideration:
“We ended up adding an entire section to that story about the church leading during a plague. And we released the Cyprian story at the end of 2020,” Godwin recalls. “So the relevance that God had for that story was completely different than my timing.”
When the sovereign hand of God changes our pathway, Godwin reminds us to wait for the Lord, as the Psalms instruct.
“He is going to show himself in the things that look like bad timing, the things that look like failure, the things that look like closed doors,” she says. “He will show himself faithful.”

Image courtesy of Shlomaster via Pixabay