Panama (MNN) — A group of JESUS Film Project volunteers from Minnesota gained a surprising ally in an 11-year-old girl on their recent mission trip to Panama.
Armed with 200 copies of the Gospel-telling "JESUS" film, the Minnesota volunteers traveled to the Panama City area in the heart of Panama. There they distributed the 200 DVD's in the people's native language: Spanish.
Panama itself has a large urban population, with 38% of the people living in Panama City. That’s 1.356 million people that JESUS Film Project volunteers had access to with the Gospel through the "JESUS" film.
But the impact didn’t stop there. Aylin, an 11-year-old Panamanian girl, received two copies of the "JESUS" film, which she brought to her private school and gave to her two teachers.
Aylin's teachers went on and showed the DVD to the 300 students at their school. The response was moving. Aylin told her pastor that the kids were caught up on the film, and one little girl cried at the end. When Aylin talked to her, the girl she said, "I felt God touch my heart."
The impact of the Gospel can start with two films and reach hundreds. Such an impact is invaluable, considering Panama's largely Roman Catholic population. Only 15% of Panama's population is Protestant Christian.
With the JESUS Film Project, short-term mission teams continue to be sent out and spread the Gospel. To find out about how to get involved in a two-week mission trip with their organization, click here.
Pray that Aylin's heart for the spread of the Gospel might be taken up by others and that more of the people in Panama will come to know the love of Christ.