Europe (MNN) — Churches in Europe are scrambling to figure out how to reach the young people of this generation.
Greater Europe Mission is taking on that challenge by coming alongside youth workers to provide training and to help implement a Biblical philosophy of ministry.
Rod Taylor is with GEM, “We believe that God is in this and He’s the one that actually changes the hearts of young people. And so we continue to pray and continue to seek Him for wisdom on how to go about this. But it’s a lot of work, and it takes a lot of patience and it takes a commitment to be in it for the long haul.”
Young people in Europe face many barriers in coming to Christ. Many young people are wrestling with who they are, and they are turning to materialism for their answers. Developing relationships are the key to breaking those barriers, says Taylor.
He’s encouraged by the church’s response. “Everywhere I’ve gone I’ve seen God working, and I’ve seen European Christians who have a passion to see young people come to Christ, but they’re just crying out for help. And we can provide that help.”
Pray for believers in Europe to be strong forces of the light of Christ to young people and everyone. Pray that the vision of GEM will be fulfilled, to have a movement of effective, disciple-making churches spread across Europe.