Int’l (MNN) — Small loan successes are creating more programs with FARMS International
Int’l (MNN) — Small loan successes are creating more programs with FARMS International
Bangladesh (MNN) — God is raising up national believers for His work
North America (MNN) — Prep for Warrior Leadership Summit 2019 is underway!
Iran (MNN) – IDOP is coming Nov 4, and Iran needs your prayers
USA (MNN) — Online tool Deaf Church Where connecting Deaf Christians
Iraq (MNN) — There is still hope for the remnant Church in Iraq
China (MNN) — Rising Christian persecution reminiscent of the Cultural Revolution
Jordan (MNN) — PTEE is expanding its student reach with online learning
Middle East (MNN) — Pray for Muslims to seek truth in Christ after the Hajj
Pakistan (MNN) — What does the uptick in Muslim extremist groups mean for Pakistani Christians?