Afghanistan (MNN) — Hope remains in Afghanistan despite incredibly challenging circumstances.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Hope remains in Afghanistan despite incredibly challenging circumstances.
International (MNN) — The partnership provides emotional and spiritual relief to those who have suffered natural disasters.
Iran (MNN) — Collaboration fuels Bible translation, evangelism, and discipleship in Islamic stronghold.
Middle East (MNN) — Open source Bible provides translators with tools they need
United States (MNN) — Biblica is contributing hard work to making God’s Word known
United States (MNN) — Can you imagine the day God’s Word is in every tongue?
India (MNN) — India has 22 recognized languages and hundreds of dialects
International (MNN) — God’s Word is unchanging, but languages are always morphing
United States (MNN) — Despite the advances of technology, print Bibles are not obsolete
Indonesia (MNN) — Indonesia hasn’t had a new Bible translation in decades