Iran (MNN) — Iranians facing growing tensions need the Gospel.
Iran (MNN) — Iranians facing growing tensions need the Gospel.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Another mosque bombing in Afghanistan injured at least 15 people on Friday.
Pakistan (MNN) — An explosion rocked the residence of Hafiz Saeed in Lahore, Pakistan.
India (MNN) — Despite pushback against Christians, churches are being planted
Canada (MNN) — Christian persecution is on the rise
Tanzania (MNN) — He set out to kill a Christian leader, and met God
Indonesia (MNN) — Backpack bombing attempt fizzles, church planters need support
Pakistan (MNN) — One city, two suicide bombers, different endings
Iraq (MNN) — 63 people die in car bombs; what will happen to the remaining Christians?
Turkey (MNN) — Turkish Christians the target of Al Qaeda cell