International (MNN) — Stand with Freedom Challenge on the World Day Against Trafficking In Persons.
International (MNN) — Stand with Freedom Challenge on the World Day Against Trafficking In Persons.
Peru (MNN) — Freedom Challenge to climb to Machu Picchu while raising money to fight human trafficking
Int’l (MNN) — Freedom Challenge creates new ways for everyone to make a difference.
International (MNN) — The Freedom Climb is restoring at-risk women and children.
Tanzania (MNN) — Hope and Mt. Kilimanjaro come together to answer the Freedom Challenge.
International (MNN) — OM is helping to free trafficked women and children, and you can too!
International (MNN) — The Freedom Climb helps save lives.
USA/Nepal (MNN) — U.S. slavery case reveals heart of global human trafficking problem
Moldova (MNN) — How is Moldova related to Mount Everest? Here’s a hint: Freedom
USA (MNN) — Believers become advocates for women and children in sex trade