Nigeria (MNN) — Greg Kelley says the Fulani represent one of the most strategic mission fields in the world.
Niger (MNN) — These predominantly Muslim groups often attack Christians.
Nigeria (MNN) — The letters, delivered to local police stations, told Christians to close their churches or face death.
Nigeria (MNN) — The letter details the planned burning of churches and the kidnapping of pastors.
International (MNN) — Leaders fear increased terrorist activity in India and Africa following the Taliban takeover.
Nigeria (MNN) — Two believers were killed in an ambush while traveling by motorcycle.
Nigeria (MNN) — Over 2,000 churches have been destroyed since 2015.
Nigeria (MNN) — Early Monday morning, armed men smashed a hole in the school’s brick wall.
Nigeria (MNN) — Deaf communities are often the last to know about pending attacks.
Nigeria (MNN) — Despite 24-hour curfew, militants move freely; murdering and terrorizing at will.