India (MNN) — Indian state to demand 60-day notice before conversion
India (MNN) — Indian state to demand 60-day notice before conversion
Nigeria (MNN) — Nigerian Christians face violence from nomads they used to host
Indonesia (MNN) — Why USCIRF recommends that Indonesia be placed on the U.S. Department of State’s Special Watch List.
South Korea (MNN) — North Korea is world’s worst persecutor of Christians.
Bangladesh (MNN) — In 1988, An amendment to the Bangladeshi constitution established Islam as the state religion.
Sweden (MNN) — Quran-burning protest in Sweden ignites fury among Muslim nations.
Pakistan (MNN) — The Christian and his family have gone into hiding.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Taliban leaders have little or no training to correctly interpret sharia.
China (MNN) — In China, a new law restricting any religious material from the internet has gone into effect.
Russia (MNN) — Speaking out against the war can get Russian Christians in a lot of trouble.