Peru (MNN) — It suspends freedom of movement and assembly.
Peru (MNN) — Officials have suspended the right of people to gather or travel freely.
Peru (MNN) — Pedro Castillo tried to dissolve congress on Wednesday.
International (MNN/JFP) — Zo speakers around the world can now watch JESUS.
Latin America (MNN) — Mission Cry has a plan to take Bibles into areas largely controlled by drug cartels.
International (MNN) — Increasing people movement creates new Gospel opportunities.
Peru (MNN) — The upcoming shipment to Peru will mark Mission Cry’s 179th country.
Peru (MNN) — Pedro Castillo’s pick for Prime Minister has created some tension.
Peru (MNN) — They left behind pamphlets warning people not to vote in the election.
International (MNN) — COVID-19 ripped through the developed world quickly. But the virus is now making more progress into developing countries, and countries in the Global South.