Bangladesh (MNN) — The original constitution still calls Bangladesh a secular state.
Bangladesh (MNN) — The original constitution still calls Bangladesh a secular state.
Egypt (MNN) — Millions of Christians live in Egypt, about 10 percent of the population.
India (MNN) — In several countries with minority Christian populations, believers now face a choice: recant their Christian faith or face starvation as COVID-19 aid is withheld.
Yemen (MNN) — USCIRF calls out religious freedom violations in Yemen as Christians pray for renewal to come to the country.
United States (MNN) — The U.S. Department of State has released the 2019 International Report on Religious Freedom, detailing the condition of religious freedom in every country around the world.
Bangladesh (MNN) — The USCIRF updates Americans on the ways Bangladesh mistreats Christians and other religious minorities.
Pakistan (MNN) — Hindus and Christians have been passed over for food distributions in Pakistan, but this stems from a cultural attitude of religious discrimination.
Myanmar (MNN) — Even in this time of need, believers face discrimination.
USA (MNN) — Ministry celebrates victory over religious discrimination.