Tajikistan (MNN) — Because Tajik is closely related to Dari, the program will also benefit Afghan women.
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Tajikistan (MNN) — Because Tajik is closely related to Dari, the program will also benefit Afghan women.
Türkiye (MNN) — Christian couple in church ministry reaching refugees.
Iran (MNN) — Iranians facing growing tensions need the Gospel.
Holy Land (MNN) — “We protect the church, and the church protects us.”
Iran (MNN) — SAT-7 PARS is changing the narrative on Christians in Iran.
Turkiye (MNN) — Turkish Christians are such a minority, discipleship resources are scarce.
Egypt (MNN) — SAT-7 recently interviewed a Gaza refugee family in Egypt.
Iran (MNN) — Iranian believers often struggle with loneliness.
Iran (MNN) — Bita’s story shows God’s faithfulness in persecution.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Underground church grows despite hardship and despair.