Story number 1 for 18 Jan 2002

By January 18, 2002

(Uganda)–Topping the news, he survived the ugly fighting in the Congo, only to be mistaken for a businessman and murdered. Africa Inland Mission is grieving the loss of Pastor Etsea Anga’posa (eht-SAY-uh AHN-guh-POH-suh) who died this week in Uganda. AIM’s Don Dix gives us this account of what happened on Wednesday. “He was travelling to get visas, when the car was ambushed. He apparently stepped out of the car, and was shot. The assumption is that people who watch the passengers come out of the airport, are interested in targeting those who come from Congo, assuming that businessmen would be carrying gold with them.” Dix says Pastor Etsea left a legacy behind. “We just need to uphold the church in prayer. It’s going to be a real shock to them. He was a real giant–he was a Moses. It’s difficult. It’s going to be very difficult for them.”

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