Story number 1 for 27 Feb 2003

By February 27, 2003

(USA)–Headlining today’s news the threat of terrorism is bringing a new type of short-term mission volunteer to the forefront. Global Missions Fellowship’s Phil Hamblin. “I think we’re taking a little bit of a different person now and not just a person that says, ‘hey I want to see the world’, but they’re bold. They’re going with a purpose. They feel like God is really going to use them and you know what, He does. They learn how to share their faith. They come back excited about the ministry. We’ve seen churches that have been radically changed.” Global Missions Fellowship exists to mobilize churches to multiply churches, mostly overseas. Hamblin says they need people to help with some ambitious goals. “We hope to enlist over 2,000 campaigners this year. But, we’re asking God to give us the privilege to plant over 500 new churches this year. We have over 100 church planting campaigns planned. Depending on the war situation and the political situations in some of the countries, we’ll be able to execute all of the campaigns.”

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