A 300th anniversary in Russia, will lure many to hear the Gospel

By May 6, 2005

Russia (MNN) — It’s was founded in the very beginning of the eighteenth century by Emperor Peter the Great near Saint Petersburg, Russia. The Peterhof was intended to become the most splendid official royal summer residence for the Russian leader. Now, it’s a beautiful museum and Russia will be celebrating its creation this summer. Russian Ministries will be using this opportunity for evangelism.

Maxim Baronov is Russian Ministries regional director in Saint Petersburg. “There will be a festival that will reach young people. And (at the) festival where we will be inviting youth groups and popular music bands to sing and also share about God.”

They will be given a tract, a Bible and the Gospel will be shared with them. Baronov says he expects 22,000 young people to be at the festival this year.

Since homelessness, drugs and HIV/AIDS are huge issues for young people in Russia today, Baronov says Russian Ministries will target that. “We will invite social centers that work with the street kids or drug addicts. We have over 300,000 drug addicts (young people) in our city, we will spread invitations so that many people will know about this festival.”

This festival is part of Russian Ministries effort to reach the next generation with the Gospel. Something, Baranov says is needed. “Our churches are not growing really, in Russia. And, that’s, I believe because we actually don’t talk much to the young generation. By doing these festivals we invite a new generation (of) young people into churches and in this way we help churches to grow.”

$10,000 is needed to fund the festival which could reach thousands with the Gospel. Click on the link above to help this incredible outreach opportunity.

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