A major food shortage in southern Africa is giving Christians a platform to share Christ.

By October 21, 2003

Southern Africa (MNN) — “It’s reached epidemic proportions.” That the word from Trans World Radio’sBrent Bartlett talking about the food shortage in Southern Africa.

If something isn’t done soon, 6.4 million people could starve to death in the region. Bartlett says, “We’re finding a situation where food is beginning to run out in many parts of the region. Zimbabwe probably being the worst at the moment, followed by Swaziland and Botswana and the Northern Cape region in South Africa. And, unless rain comes pretty soon Africa’s going to find itself in a very difficult situation.”

Bartlett says TWR is vital because they’re sharing important information on the air. “We’ve been able to raise a lot of awareness,” says Barlett. He says, “We’re able to tell people exactly what is happening. And, not only ask people to pray for a change, but also to provide opportunity for information to get around so that people who have can share with people who don’t have.”

Which can be the key to sharing Christ with a person in need. Bartlett says, “Ministry happens when people share the love of Jesus with them.” He says that’s what’s being done as Christians help those in need.

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