A ministry to Zimbabwe works smarter

By April 8, 2009

Zimbabwe (MNN) — Although
Zimbabwe's national unity government has launched an ambitious 100-day reform
program, a cholera outbreak and mass starvation threatens to derail it.  

Although the country has just
adopted the U.S. dollar and the South African rand as its currency, replacing the Zimbabwe dollar, there's a long way to go.

Ordinary Zimbabweans are
desperately short of food, healthcare, clean water, and safe sanitation. Because the country's water and sewage
systems have not been repaired, cholera is on the rise. The World Health Organization says more than
91,000 cases of cholera have been reported.

There were concerns that humanitarian
response might be thwarted or stolen. However, Global Aid Network's Charles Debter says, "We have
contacts at the highest level of government with the new Prime Minister, and
through those relationships we're able to ensure that the aid is reaching its intended destination."

Partnerships make ministry
possible. Debter says, "'Feed My
Starving Children' connected Global Aid Network with Willow Creek Community
Church in the Chicago area, and this church is bringing together their
membership to pack up four million meals." 

Global Aid Network and
ministry partner Life Ministry are also providing water purification
devices, food and medicine to 56 orphanages. They're also providing assistance to clinics, schools, and
churches in the areas hardest hit by the cholera epidemic, including Harare,
Mafbingo and Mutare. 

In addition, their team is sending
two large water treatment systems into an area where GaiN USA helped to build a
school. The water systems  are capable of purifying 10,000 gallons
of water per day — enough clean water for 2500

Life Ministry is distributing
humanitarian aid as a part of a larger project of sharing the love of Christ
with the poor of Zimbabwe. The organization has developed a prayer
movement in collaboration with local churches, training in evangelism and
discipleship, and church planting as part of a holistic approach to ministry

Pray for open doors for the Gospel. "When people are facing survival for
hunger and thirst, it gives our ministry and our local partners a chance to
reach out with the grace of the Lord," Debter explains. "Through these efforts and through showing the Jesus film, many people are coming to Christ."


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