Zimbabwe (MNN) — Members of The Evangelical Alliance Mission,
or TEAM, are on the frontlines of the HIV crisis in Zimbabwe.
Roughly 15-percent of Zimbabwe's
population are AIDS orphans or widows. Dan
and Julie Stephens say TEAM Zimbabwe has developed a new HIV initiative study
and is actively recruiting for this need.
They write: "Pray as Karanda Hospital and TEAM Zimbabwe strive to have an
impact on this crisis and for Karanda Hospital's HIV/AIDS treatment program in
which 2700 people are enrolled."
Karanda Mission Hospital was established in northeast Zimbabwe in the
late 1950s to assist the work of church development through holistic medical
work in an under-served area of the country.
A nursing school was established in the early 1960s to provide medical
personnel to staff the hospital. An elementary school serves to hospital
staff children so that staff are able to remain in an underpriveleged area of
TEAM's goal
at Karanda is to provide demonstrate the compassion of Christ through medical
work, strengthen the local church through participation in spiritual ministry
to patients and local communities; educating and training Christian
professionals for medical ministry through the hospital and nursing school, and
facilitating the training of leaders for the local church.
group ministers in cooperation with the local church in evangelism and church
planting. They are looking for health care professionals, educators, administrators,
community health specialists and people skilled in trades to join the team at
Karanda Hospital. Click here for details.