An evangelist looks forward to sharing the Christmas story in India.

By December 14, 2004

India (MNN)–India’s government wants to stop the escalation of anti-Christian violence.

A bill is being sent to parliament to stop inter-religious violence. It will include compensation for victims, quicker investigations to find those responsible for violence against people and holy places and harsher sentences for those found guilty.

Yet, in spite of the moves to reduce persecution of Christians, between December 5th and the 11th, violence against believers has seen two churches destroyed, one of them in Tamil Nadu. Police are convinced that Muslim fundamentalists are behind the attacks.

Evangelist Sammy Tippit says in spite of this, “We’ve had a weekly broadcast there for the past year, and it’s been very, very successful. A Christian group called ‘Good News Television’ contacted us, and we have been working through them for the past year. They said they’re wanting to do something that would be unique in the history of that state.”

In fact, Tippit says the partnership is getting ready for an unprecedented project. “They want to produce a broadcast for Christmas Day–take 24 hours and have nothing but Christian messages and the story of Christ on television in that 95% Hindu state.”

Pray for those who are exposed to the Gospel message, that their hearts will respond.

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